


MCom, MPhil, PhD

 Print Profile

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Chapter/Article ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Case Study ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
Sl.No. Title Place of Publication ISBN No. Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter DEVAGIRI - AIMA International Business Conclave Headway of Contemporary Enhancement in Higher Education Through Mobile Applications - A Systematic Review 19/02/2025 St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) International
2 Conference Presenter 6th International Conference on Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics and Business Research for sustainable development Return and volatility spill over among UK, USA, and Indian gold spot market: The Brexit impact 01/03/2023 BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology International
Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 China and India - Market Linkages and Inter Dependencies KARTHIGAI PRAKASAM C, NATCHIMUTHU N Internal
2 Tech4All Enabling persons with disabilities for a career in Financial, Accounting and Banking THERESA NITHILA VINCENT, GIRISH S,RAGHUNANDAN G,MYNAVATHI L,NATCHIMUTHU N,ARUNA P,ANUSHA SRINIVASAN IYER,LAKSHMI B,HARESH R,KRISHNA PRASATH S,SUNIL M P Cheshire Disability Trust, Bangalore External
3 Evaluation of the Construction Workers Welfare Cess Collection process and mechanism to revamp and improve efficiency. THERESA NITHILA VINCENT, NATCHIMUTHU N,GIRISH S LABOUR DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA External
Sl.No. Name of the Conference/Seminar Name of Organiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year


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